Wishing residents a Happy Hanukah
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 27, 2005
To the editor:
I was delighted to read about the story of Hanukah in The Selma-Times Journal. I was born and raised in New York and have fond memories of lighting the menorah, playing endless games of “spin the dreidl,” making and eating potato latkes, and getting Hanukah “gelt” (chocolate-shaped coins wrapped in “gold” paper).
I don’t recall eating donuts or knowing anyone who ever did that on Hanukah, but traditions may be different in different parts of the country.
I’d be most interested in hearing from your readers who celebrate Hanukah in Selma about what their traditions are.
I wish all your readers a very Happy Hanukah and a happy, healthy, and peaceful New Year. I was in Selma for a week last year – it was the best week of my life.
Very best wishes,
Eve Shapiro
Bethesda, Md.