
God is about empowered church

By Larry Stover | Stover lives in Valley Grande and is pastor at Praise Park Ministries Church of ...

Michael Brooks

Leaders need prayers

By Michael Brooks | Brooks is pastor of Siluria Baptist Church and adjunct instructor at Jefferson State Community ...


The meaning of Independence Day

If Americans know anything, it is how to celebrate a holiday. The Fourth of July is one of ...


God has a message for America

I am always amazed as to how our nation tries to legislate everything. Washington always has a plan ...


Juneteenth celebrates end of slavery

Juneteenth celebrates the end of slavery in these United States of America. It originated on June 19, 1865, ...

Michael Brooks

More than one Statue of Liberty

By Michael Brooks | Brooks is the pastor of Siluria Baptist Church. The Statue of Liberty was a ...


We must protect public education

I fight for public education. I understand how public education opens doors for so many, from the powerfully privileged ...


Dad holds the key to spiritual revival

Larry P. STover Stover lives in Valley Grande and is the former pastor at Praise Park Ministries Church ...


Progress more important than perfection

I want to follow up on Sketches No. 1565 concerning our trip to Germany. In that Sketches I ...


Spiritual family will be better when we live in harmony

It was a moment we’ve tried for many years to live down. The entire Minor High School Marching ...


Renewal begins with leaders

By Larry Stover | Stover lives in Valley Grande and is pastor at Praise Park Ministries Church of ...


Building bridges is so powerful

Building bridges. That was the theme of our trip last week. Building bridges. That was the theme of ...


Sometimes I’m up, sometimes I’m down

The National Spelling Bee is upon us, and Google did some research in honor of the event. According ...


Tips for purchasing a home

Home ownership is known as the American dream; and parents encourage their children to strive for home ownership ...


Thank you, Selma, for allowing me to photograph you

Kathryn Mayo Mayo is the artists who created the Selma Portrait Project. Selma is a complicated place.”  I ...

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