
No action is sometimes best course

By STEVE FLOWERS | Political Columnist  Sometimes the best thing that the legislature can do in a session ...


Memorial Day is a sacred time

Memorial Day weekend is a very special time for families everywhere. It is a time of reflection and ...


It’s time to let people vote on the lottery

Another legislative session has come and gone, and the Republican leadership in Montgomery has still not allowed the ...


Local legislation has its own dynamics

Local legislation has its own dynamics in the Alabama Legislature. Sometimes the dynamics are smooth. Sometimes they are ...

Michael Brooks

When we stop we actually go backward

Science debates the concept of perpetual motion; that is, once an object is set in motion, is it ...


Chief Justice Hooper served state well

A few weeks ago former Alabama Chief Justice Perry O. Hooper Sr. died at his home in Montgomery ...


Practice what you preach

As a member of the clergy, “practice what you preach” has a very literal meaning in my life.


God’s grace is best gift we will ever receive

Has it ever occurred to you how God’s grace is so risky on his part? No matter how ...


Letter says Selma is need of truth, substance

Well, here we go again. No substance and personal attacks. In a community the size of Selma, it ...


Gov. Bentley is no caretaker

In an op-ed for dated May 9, 2016, Gov. Robert Bentley declares he has no “intention of ...


Alabama’s pre-K program remains top notch

These days, it’s easy to think nothing good ever comes out of our government — especially here in ...


Alabama’s shrinking sovereignty

On Friday, the omnipotent U.S. Department of Education threatened to pull federal funding from public school districts that ...


Don’t count chickens before they hatch

Sometimes things just seem to be working out, but there is an old saying, “Don’t count your chickens ...


Church needs to keep focus on larger mission

The early church faced opposition as they tried to evangelize the Roman world. Emperor Nero came to the ...


We have no choice but session for Medicaid

The 2016 regular session is in the books, but for many politicos on Goat Hill, session seemed more ...

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