
Obama administration continues war on coal

The Obama Administration’s assault on the nation’s coal producers took a remarkable turn recently.


Many different ways to worship

It was an unusual comment.


High taxes send businesses running

I just came back from a cruise in Asia. I met lots of nice people and saw a ...


Peace is key for facilitating growth

Not too long ago, a lady who’s planning to run for a seat on the school board saw ...


Bentley should step down for good of state

Since Governor Bentley’s relationship with Rebekah Mason became public last week, there have been calls for him to ...


Community celebrations are powerful

It was truly a celebration; a beautiful celebration; a powerful celebration; a moving celebration.


Gov. Bentley drama not about affair, about trust

As news of Governor Bentley’s inappropriate relationship with a senior advisor rocked Montgomery last week, it seemed that ...


Revisiting most recent election results

This has been an exciting election year when it comes to presidential politics. It has been an extraordinarily ...


Today is Vietnam Veterans Day

On March 29, 2012, President Barack Obama issued a presidential proclamation declaring it as Vietnam Veterans Day. Later, ...


Don’t let mistakes from the past keep you down

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could undo our mistakes from the past?

James G. Smith

Socialism wouldn’t be good for our future

It is difficult to admit and even more difficult to deal with the situation taking shape in our ...


Strategy needed to address terror threats

The entire world extends its sympathy to the people of Brussels who have suffered such terrible loss.


It was a bad week for state of Alabama

It was a bad week for Alabama. It was a bad week for education. It was a bad ...


Impact of Jesus passion, death on politics

Holy Week (the week before Easter) is traditionally the time when Christians remember Jesus’ Passion and Death.


Remembering two historic and somber Fridays

The wind in my face was bitterly cold in downtown Dallas a few years ago.

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