
What is the school to prison pipeline?

Recently, Team Selma was awarded a grant from the Black Belt Community Foundation, Truth Racial Healing and Transformation.  ...

Avis Williams

What is your why?

What excites you and makes you anxious to get up each morning?  What are you so passionate about ...

Avis Williams

Excellence in early learning

It’s time for Pre-K registration!  Each year around this time, Selma City Schools has registration for any incoming ...

Avis Williams

Superheroes for Alabama’s students

This month marks the 26th annual School Board Recognition Month in Alabama.  This observance, which also is being ...

Avis Williams

Making the grade

Happy New Year!  I pray that your holiday season was filled with peace and joy.  Team Selma is ...

Avis Williams

We love Byrd

When you walk into Byrd First Class Early Learning Center you can’t help but feel joy. There is ...

Avis Williams

Why close schools?

Over the past year, Selma City Schools has explored the need to close schools.  We formed a Facilities ...

Avis Williams

Why poverty matters

Selma is a high poverty community.  Our schools are high poverty schools.  What does this mean and why ...

Avis Williams

The optimistic leader

“Optimism is the ultimate definition of a leader. A leader has to look optimistically at what is ahead ...

Avis Williams

Hopes and dreams

A few weeks ago, I began my Lunch and Learn sessions with students in Selma City Schools.  As superintendent, ...

Avis Williams

State of our schools

Recently, I celebrated my one-year anniversary as the superintendent of Selma City Schools.  It has been an amazing ...


No more bullies

As an educator, rarely does a day go by that does not include learning of a situation where ...

Avis Williams

Portrait of a bully

Joey walked down the hall headed to class.  It was not a good morning, and somebody was going ...

Avis Williams

Stop bullying

As previously stated, October is a very busy month for Team Selma.  In addition to recognizing and appreciating ...

Avis Williams

Thank a principal

October will be a busy and exciting month for Team Selma.  One thing that I am extremely elated ...

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