Chris Wasson

Books provide mental exercise

In his famous book “Oh, The Places You Will Go” Dr. Suess wrote “The more that you read, ...

Chris Wasson

Ellwood needs help preserving memories

It’s not an easy task becoming a champion. Long hours of work, dedication and some luck are all ...

Chris Wasson

Disaster a time for all of us to give

Whenever I write columns the main thing I try to do is keep them local. Whether news from ...

Chris Wasson

Relay is a chance for everyone to help

As we grow nearer to Relay for Life, I grow more excited.

Chris Wasson

Don’t forget the reasons we celebrate the annual Jubilee

The annual Bridge Crossing Jubilee is here and the city is preparing for the sea of people expected ...

Chris Wasson

Selma has interesting music scene

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a melody is worth a novel.

Chris Wasson

Hard work should be recognized

Selma-Dallas Chamber of Commerce director Sheryl Smedley draws positive attention to Selma and local business owners benefit with ...

Chris Wasson

Celebrate Valentines every day

If you are a man, why not get the woman you love flowers on a random day — ...

Chris Wasson

It’s time to prepare for spring

So keep your head up and start unpacking your shorts, bug spray and sun tan lotion.

Chris Wasson

First year in Selma has been exciting

I know that in one year my perception of Selma has gone 180 degrees, but there is always ...

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