
Thanksgiving should be time to reflect on America

Thanksgiving is a uniquely American tradition — a time to join together with friends and family to celebrate ...


We should save National Guard armories across state

This week, our hearts went out to the victims of tragedies in Paris and Beirut. Americans stood in ...

Darrio Melton

Open letter to Gov. Bentley about Paul Grist park

I understand that the State of Alabama has been undergoing complicated financial obligations arising from years of poor ...


Answer isn’t to bash victims

While national and local leaders have condemned Gov. Robert Bentley’s decision to close DMV offices around the state, ...


Families between rock and hard place

When you open up the pages of a national newspaper or turn to a major news network and ...


Bentley goes back on his word with closures

All we have is our word. We all hold to the old adage, your word is your bond. ...


State motto should be upheld consistently

The state motto, “Dare to Defend Our Rights,” has been flaunted by politicians across Montgomery to promote partisan ...


Clock ticking for budget

It is common knowledge that the Indian casinos in Alabama and throughout the country are granted federal sovereignty ...


Lawmakers should spend state money wisely

When families sit down each year to make our household budgets, it’s a negotiating process. It’s an exercise ...


Alabama’s budget short on time for solution

Alabama’s voters should be paying close attention to what’s been going on in Montgomery, and what will play ...


Budget battle proves Republicans lack plan

As students across Alabama are preparing to head back to school, Alabama’s legislators are heading back to Montgomery ...


Do Alabama schools prepare youth for future?

If you’ve spent any amount of time around a young person lately, you’ve probably had a tough time ...


Broadband Internet critical for Alabama

If the statistics hold, seven out of ten people reading this article will be doing so on a ...


Patchwork soulitions aren’t necessary

Last week, Governor Bentley called the Alabama Legislature into a special session to address the state’s looming budget ...


Lawmakers should expand Medicaid

Over the weekend, friends and family gathered together to celebrate our nation’s Independence Day. More than 200 years ...

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