
Chief Brock’s retirement is a loss for Selma

There is a saying that is becoming more and more popular expressing the truism, “elections have consequences.” It ...


Sky is not falling with Trump

It seems the liberal mainstream media is having a difficult time dealing with the fact Donald Trump is ...


Keep the demonstrations in perspective

Back when network television was worth watching, ABC had a sports program that aired every Saturday called, “Wide ...


Time to stand up, be counted

By James G. Smith The Selma Times-Journal This election cycle is about over much to the relief of ...


A new day in Selma

The sun came up over the city of Selma Wednesday, Oct. 5 to a newly elected city governing ...


There’s too many police officer deaths

It sure seems things could not get much worse in our fair city, state and nation, but believe ...


Reminder of National Wreaths Across America Day

National Wreaths Across America Day will be December 17, 2016. In case memory has waned since last year, ...


Expect the unexpected from council

I do not derive any particular pleasure or satisfaction at finding fault with decisions being made by some ...


Safety should be city’s top priority

It is unfortunate pay increases for the Selma Police Department have come down to sick outs by officers. ...

James G. Smith

Are these really best nominees for president?

In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of ...


Police everywhere being asked to do too much

Just when you think things cannot possibly get worse, suddenly they do. The reference of course is to ...


The origins of the Duckworth army chant

Ask any soldier who has come through basic training in the Army since the latter part of WWII, ...


Proud to be an American on this July 4

Since 1776, the Fourth of July has always been cause for celebrating if you are an American. As ...


Not enough good choices in elections

As if the presidential election weren’t contentious enough with the likes of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as ...


Thanking our veterans

Perhaps you have missed my regularly contributing to the Selma Times-Journal lately. If so, thank you for your ...

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