Michael Brooks

Financial responsibility begins with commitment

By Michael Brooks The Selma Times-Journal I recently had a little fun with a Facebook friend who posted ...


I’m grateful God loaned me special people in life

I remember my boyhood pastor saying once that Christmas always had a tinge of sadness since it was the ...

Michael Brooks

Gruber must think Americans are stupid

So Jonathan Gruber thinks the American people are stupid, does he? Gruber is a complete nobody to most ...


All of us are valuable in the eyes of God

An intriguing survey was conducted lately about secession. The good news is that 87 percent of respondents want ...

Michael Brooks

Reaching the unchurched population

In a new church I asked the secretary to order the same visitors envelopes we’d used in my ...


Get more done, stop seeking praise

I wrote a column recently about President Harry Truman’s desk sign, “The Buck Stops Here.” Truman grew weary ...

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