
It’s our job to share God’s love with others

By Larry Stover Do you have a vision for the mission of God? The nature of the typical ...


Selma is full of overlooked positives

Gospel Tabernacle Church of God in Christ went above and beyond to help the community Saturday, and I ...


United Way campaign will benefit Selma

Selma is a city full of people who want to help others. At the top of that list ...


Historic Hotel Albert lost to progress

The juncture of Alabama Avenue and Broad Street is currently a spot for city councilmen and women to ...


It’s an exciting time of year in Dallas County

By Sheryl Smedley  The Selma Times-Journal   In just a few short days, another school year begins. Teachers ...


Upward Soccer is a great program for our youth

By Larry Stover The Selma Times-Journal   Soccer, the world’s most popular sport continues to grow at the ...


Compeition presents right image for girls

Impressionable young females are pressured to reach unrealistic standards set by superficial magazines, aired on mindless television shows, ...


Summer interns breathe new life into newsroom

My favorite thing about this line of work is that you can learn something knew every day. Since my ...


Mayfly swarm an odd, annual sight in Selma

It began slowly and innocently enough — just a few tiny bugs buzzing around lampposts. Within an hour ...


Parents must take active role in education

Over the next few weeks, kids across Alabama will be heading back to school, full of excitement and ...


Intern offers a sincere thanks in his goodbye

Several weeks into my time at The Selma Times-Journal, I attended a Rotary luncheon at the St. James ...


Improving schools needs student change

By Larry Stover The Selma Times-Journal   Summer break is winding down.  Vacation trips and excursions have concluded. ...


Our children deserve more entertainment

The summer is slowly coming to an end, but this weekend gave Selma’s youth a chance to enjoy ...


The people are what makes Selma special

Ask anyone around the world about Selma, Ala., and their minds will race back to pages in a ...


Towns sets good example in Selmont

With every purchase in Dallas County, shoppers are supporting local government through established taxes. In most cases, elected ...

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