
Current elected representatives are inept

It is difficult to write about what I perceive to be the demise of our country. I hardly ...


Would God like our lifestyles?

By Larry Stover The history of the Children of Israel is a fascinating story.  When they were obeying ...


We should learn from the WWII generation

They’ve been called the greatest generation, and I have no doubt they deserve that title. The men and women ...


More traffic needed for downtown revitalization

Selma city officials seem to have taken a proactive step in revitalizing downtown by approving an entertainment district, ...


Rules important for effective communication

The Art of Communication is a well-worn term that means many things to various people. I want to ...


Unequal school funding only leads to unequal education

Last week, a year-long study showed what many of us have been saying all along — Alabama’s schools ...


Christian dads are a need our area demands

By Larry Stover One of my favorite Old Testament characters is King David. In 1 Kings chapter 1, ...


Father teaches valuable life lessons for all

Years of journalism classes, months of writing for a professional newspaper and a lifetime of creative writing still ...


Reflections on primary election experiences

By Sen. Hank Sanders  The Primary Election is now over. I can write about my election in Sketches. ...


Local market improves health in rural area

It’s hard to truly explain the importance of the Selma Farmers Market. Vickie Chandler has been bringing fresh ...


Tourism could be Selma’s main industry

The prospect of being in a major motion picture is an exciting opportunity for Selma, especially because the ...


Our skate park deserves another chance

By Christopher Edmunds The Selma Times-Journal   Growing up in Birmingham, the nearest skate park was 45 minutes ...


Celebrating one year in Selma and much, much more

To say this is a big week for me is a little bit of an understatement. Today marks ...


We must protect our children’s financial future

If you read these opinion pieces with any regularity, you know that I am a strong supporter of ...


Bergdahl swap yet another controversy

Just when you think things cannot possibly get any worse, suddenly they do.

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