
My first Jubilee was far from a disappointment

Skeptics could say this year’s version of the Bridge Crossing Jubilee lacked the firepower of previous or future ...


Community should name Dallas Avenue Bridge

In the past few weeks, a great conversation has started in our community about the naming of the ...


Michigan man spoiled by Alabama sports

I’ve got to admit, I’ve been a bit spoiled since moving to Selma late last summer. No, I ...


Important for government to do right thing

It is all a matter of money or funding. Unfortunately, there is only so much money to funnel ...


Bloody Sunday is more than just a calendar date

On Sunday, thousands will trek to Selma to participate in a celebration that marks the beginning of Selma’s ...


GOP wasting time, money during session

This legislative session, we have watched the Alabama Republican supermajority waste taxpayer money and avoid doing the jobs ...


Valley Grande church sets homecoming

By Larry P. Stover I just love a celebration!  Those of us who have been cheering for the ...


Black History Month should change mindset

Few Black History Months come and go without the importance of the annual celebration being questioned.


We must all invest in our solutions

Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of covering an open public meeting at Selma’s Mt. Ararat Missionary Baptist ...


It’s time to focus on issues, stop bickering

Dear legislators around the nation, it’s time to stop bickering over partisan beliefs and, instead, focus on helping ...


Are legislators just sounding like Christians?

By Darrio Melton In the past few weeks of the Alabama Legislature, we have heard debate on everything ...


Resolution gives full detail of Gilmore’s heroism

Editor’s note: Below is a sample resolution that could be used to name the Valley Creek Bridge in ...

James G. Smith

Selma should honor Medal of Honor winner

I received a reminder this past week of the Confederate submarine CSA H. L. Hunley mission 150 years ago. ...


Family of Bridget Woods deserves justice

Wouldn’t it be a nightmare to know that someone who murdered your family member has not been arrested, ...


City, police deserve applause for stun gun purchase

In the days that followed the death of Anaias Shaw in early December, cries were heard around the ...

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