
We can no longer afford the freebies

Have you checked lately to see how much you owe toward the federal debt? If you have not, ...


New judge will have big shoes to fill

Last week, US District Judge Myron Thompson went on senior status, which will reduce his caseload and allow ...


You are an important part of the family

I don’t miss Sunday services very often. Last Sunday was one of those rare events when, following a ...


President Obama remains an enigma

After almost five years, President Obama still remains somewhat of an enigma. We really do not know very ...


I am leaving Selma different, for the better

New to Selma I went to the library as a first assignment — at the newspaper that is ...


Business and education are intertwined

Is the New Business Education Alliance good for Alabama Schools? Last week, the Business Council of Alabama announced the ...


A need for spiritual integrity

I continue to pray for spiritual renewal and revival among the Christians of Dallas County.As I think about ...


A heartfelt farewell to Selma

As you read this column, there’s a good chance I’m driving down Highway 80, bound for Birmingham. After ...


America’s future is like Detroit

Vultures are circling over the once great city of Detroit, Michigan. For those of you who weren’t exposed ...


We must expand Medicaid

Last session, legislators and citizens called on Gov. Robert Bentley to expand Medicaid coverage under Obamacare, or the ...


Looking forward to local Friday night lights and football

As a child, football was my first love. When I wasn’t on the football field, I was watching ...


Prayer walking can help schools

By Larry Stover   Summer break is winding down. Vacation trips and excursions have concluded.  For those of ...


So when will you be leaving us?

When I first moved to Selma and started learning my way around town — covering stories and meeting ...


Many new beginnings ahead

One of my biggest pet peeves as a child was seeing all those back-to-school commercials flood the television ...


Big prayer was answered by a young person

I was completely blown away this week when interviewing a 13-year-old. Yes, a young teenager had me at shalom. ...

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