
Coverage available to all through Marketplace

By David Sirk CEO of Vaughan Regional Medical Center After much anticipation, the time is here. As of ...


America needs to return to its first works

There has been a great deal of back and forth in the last few weeks over the issue ...


We must find balance in America

On Labor Day, I wrote an opinion about how working men and women are the backbone of the ...


Is this truly time, money well spent?

The Selma City Council may not be using its time wisely. The council raised approximately $1,600 for the St. ...


It was great to watch council compromise

Compromise. Remember that word? It’s one of those three all-important lessons we all learned in kindergarten: Treat others ...


Open letter to Constitution Revision Commission

Dear Commission Members: I ask you to help move us forward to a future of hope and promise. Please ...


Where is the concern for America?

Do you have any idea what our foreign policy is under the Obama administration? As for that matter, ...


Accountability Act is failing our schools

Last week, I stood at a podium in Montgomery alongside other House Democrats to offer an alternative to ...


The GOP looks to be running

Last week, another Republican legislator joined the ranks of those who have chosen to leave public service mid-term ...


A day that remains emblazoned in my mind

Has it really been 12 years? It seems like just yesterday. Really, 12 years? Wednesday will mark the 12th ...


We can no longer afford the freebies

Have you checked lately to see how much you owe toward the federal debt? If you have not, ...


New judge will have big shoes to fill

Last week, US District Judge Myron Thompson went on senior status, which will reduce his caseload and allow ...


You are an important part of the family

I don’t miss Sunday services very often. Last Sunday was one of those rare events when, following a ...


President Obama remains an enigma

After almost five years, President Obama still remains somewhat of an enigma. We really do not know very ...


I am leaving Selma different, for the better

New to Selma I went to the library as a first assignment — at the newspaper that is ...

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