
Countless, priceless memories in Selma

Today I wrote my 453rd story and this will be my 52nd column. Yes, my one-year anniversary of ...


Several accused of false wrongdoing

“Senator Sanders, I have to tell you something. Our friend Lowell has been indicted. They did six separate ...


Republicans try to sell a ‘lemon’ act

What would you think if you purchased a new car, but in less than two months you were ...


Rural areas face development challenge

By Wayne Vardaman recently published an excellent article, “Left behind: Alabama’s economic development success isn’t felt in ...


Quality requires intention

By Larry Stover I was picking up my granddaughter, Rebekah, from school the other day, when I noticedt the ...


It’s the people in Selma who are making a difference

Let me start by saying, any and all preconceived notions I may have had about Selma before moving ...


Magic of Selma at the ball

I absolutely love living in Old Town for the simple fact that it can sometimes feel like I ...


Legislature can’t fix broken bill

Once again, the Alabama Legislature is being asked to “fix” a bill that was rushed through without taking ...


How to know God’s will for us

By Larry Stover Stover lives in Valley Grande and is pastor at Praise Park Ministries Church of the ...


City girl learns from the country

After living in Selma for nearly nine months, I feel as though it’s time for me to share ...


Touching stories at the library

Last week marked National Library Week, a week dedicated to celebrating our local library and the people who ...


Schools need tough teachers

Our elected officials in Washington D.C. from our state are working to tighten security in our schools. They ...


The state budget is insufficient

Last week, the Alabama House of Representatives passed the Education Trust Fund; this fund provides money for all ...


Lessons learned in Selma, a farewell

The end. Whether it’s the end of a good book, the end of an exciting movie, or the ...


Cancer is too common of a word

The first time I ever heard the c-word I was in elementary school. I was in the fifth ...

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