
Censorship is counterproductive

Submitted by Joe Rembert In 1610, an Italian Scientist named Galileo Galilei, published a book called Starry Messenger ...


Utilize severe weather tax holiday

Alabama is known for it’s crazy weather, which is something I both love and hate. It can be ...


It is never too early to begin future plans

While in high school, I definitely was not one of those students who knew exactly where they wanted ...


Employees of state critical to economy

In his State of the State address, Governor Bentley bragged about how he has eliminated 4,000 state employee ...


Sheltered childhood not a bad thing

Growing up my friends liked to call me “sheltered.” That was because I went to church every Sunday, ...


Covering the little things just as important

As a journalist, a large part of me craves those spot news, nail-biting events where I can just ...


Top notch educators in city schools

By Gerald Shirley Superintendent for Selma City Schools   The Alabama State Department of Education recently recognized four ...


Council meetings are headaches

I remember my first Selma City Council meeting. I will never forget the feeling of how blood rushed ...


Boy scouts are facing a dilemma

The Boy Scouts of America’s National Board of Directors has created themselves a very critical dilemma. They have ...


School flexibility bill gives little flexibility

I think we can all agree that public education is one of the most important services our state ...


Get more done, stop seeking praise

I wrote a column recently about President Harry Truman’s desk sign, “The Buck Stops Here.” Truman grew weary ...


Shelby needs to talk solutions in Selma

U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby — a man who has served in politics long enough to see himself go ...


Maybe Archibald should visit

By Larry Stover I appreciated so much the rebuttal printed by our editor of the Times-Journal last Sunday.  Tim ...


Celebrate with random acts of kindness

Growing up I remember spending the week before Valentine’s  Day cutting, pasting, gluing and glittering homemade Valentine cards. ...


Emerging art scene, growth potential

Although I can say with honesty that I enjoyed all my journalism classes in college, there was a ...

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