
Reporting on the good news in town

People in the community always assume that because I write newspaper articles, I love to write. And while ...


Recent bills deserve more investigation

Anagrams! Anagrams! Anagrams! I know you are asking yourself what is an anagram? It is a word or ...


Columnist didn’t consider all aspects of Selma

For those who have a brother or sister, you know the kind of knock down, drag out fights ...


How to help schools without hurting wallets

By Larry Stover   Has the financial crunch hit your home yet? Most of us can feel, at ...


Students should seek out college resources

Today I’d like to share a message with our high school students. It was not too long ago ...


Integrating units with women a bad idea

Count me from the old school, but I can’t see women serving in front line ground infantry units. ...


Need more outlets for young adults

When I first moved to Selma, I thought it would be difficult to find people my age to ...


Learning about Times-Journal’s past

The Times-Journal building used to be a different place in the olden days. Today Twitter and Facebook, along ...


Not room for two in state politics

There is really no way to explain to people and have them fully appreciate the volume of email ...


Republican legislative agenda passes the buck

Last week, the Republicans in the Alabama Legislature announced their agenda for the coming legislative session. Though I ...


More restaurants should open Sundays

Growing up I was known as a PK — a pastor’s kid. Since the day I was born, ...


Dust Off crews showed much courage

Almost every aviator who served in Vietnam will tell you the most respected in the theater were the ...


MLK lessons still learned in Selma

Every year on Martin Luther King Day my mother would always take me to visit our local Macedonia ...


Inspired by a true and genuine hero

Christopher Reeve, the actor famously known for his role as Superman, I think got it just right. “A ...


Life is a choice, no one forces it

Once there was an old wise man who lived on the side of a mountain. There were three ...

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