
Celebrating the life of Rep. Kennedy

This past weekend, the state of Alabama lost a great legislator and I lost a friend when Rep. ...


It’s time to put personal politics aside

Dear Mr. President: I have not written recently due to my being extremely despondent over the election results. What ...


Join the 90 percent in the joyous celebration

I love Christmas. It’s my favorite time of the year. It is a time for sharing. It’s a ...


Some gifts don’t have to be wrapped

This time of year it’s hard not to keep the radio dial set to the stations playing non-stop ...


Crossing off Christmas lists in Selma

Along with being the season for heavy coats, warm drinks and heated seats, it’s also the season for ...


Those in trial should be commended

It is often that I call the district attorney’s office asking for DA Michael Jackson. I have come to ...


Lessons to be learned from the Grinch

It’s here; it’s finally here. After 11 long months of waiting, December is here, which means that Christmas ...


The window for success is closing

We live in an opportunistic society, and at times it seems as if individuals, leaders and companies exploit ...


Local venues deserve more respect

Since moving to Selma, one of my favorite pastimes has been grabbing a friend or two and visiting ...


A letter from Hank Sanders to Barack Obama

Dear President Obama, This letter is in part to let you know that we are proud of you ...


Why Selma is better than Montgomery

I think everyone has heard that shopping local is better but I have never met so many people ...


Celebrate Christmas by blessing others

For many shoppers, this year Black Friday came earlier and then it was Cyber Monday. These two shopping ...


Troops should leave Middle East

In my opinion, our military can hardly afford another front in the Middle East to defend and protect. ...


Give thanks for all the little things

Thanksgiving and the holiday weekend have officially come to a close, but who says giving thanks should be ...


Thankful for Selma and all it has offered

As the lit Christmas wreaths, empty store shelves, and brisk winter weather signal the holiday season, I can’t ...

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