
Making time for grandchildren

“Hank, can you go to McRae’s immediately? It’s Grandparent’s Day, and Azali doesn’t have either grandparent present. She ...

Darrio Melton

Environments lead to success

Being a father is awesome! Fatherhood teaches dads a lot about life. A few months ago we got ...


A positive challenge for Selmians

Pogo comic strip author Walt Kelly coined one of the most popular and repeated pop culture quotes of ...


Football is a way of life for some fans

I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around it, but I just can’t seem to find the answer ...


Keith wins with class

In high school football, we often look at the scores on Saturday morning and think the worst of ...


Sometimes risks bring rewards

There was a peculiar fisherman who was always very well prepared. He had everything necessary in order to ...


Complaining only brings problems

My dear sweet mother has passed on, but her advice still impacts my life. I vividly recall one ...


Drastic changes need to be made

My conscience was stirred by my friend Professor Michael Brooks’ article on civility recently. He called for civility ...

Desiree Taylor

Organizations calls out angels

Though Christmas is several months away, it’s never too early to start preparing for the holiday season. And though ...


Political circus less than a year away

It was the other day, spending some time with others at a community function, that I came to ...


Exercise improves quality of life

Not only did Sunday mark the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the U.S., but it ...


New skills could lead to less crime

Picture yourself in a courtroom. The judge asks the defendant to rise, reads the guilty verdict and prepares ...


Terrorism takes many forms

Terrorism has been powerful over time. Terrorism comes in many shapes, sizes and forms. As I write this ...


A knockdown is not a knockout

A knock down is not necessarily a defeat. If it were, every boxer would hang up their gloves. Knock ...


God Bless America and its patriots

A recent email reminded me of the wonderful story behind the spiritually patriotic song “God Bless America.” It ...

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