Darrio Melton

Unlocking our own greatness

A parable was told of a prosperous man who was making a long journey. In his bag he ...


Involvement, passion shows Selma won

They came in masses — dignitaries, politicians, young, old, male, female, black, white, educated and uneducated. The Selma City ...


Underage drinking is still a problem

As our reporter Desiree Taylor wrote in Thursday’s paper, underage drinking is a very real concern in the ...

Holland Powell

A fear of the facts

Recently my fellow board member Dr. Udo Ufomadu wrote an editorial in The Selma Times-Journal that I believe ...


Allegiances taint tenure bill

I had a unique perspective on the controversial tenure bill being considered by the Alabama Legislature. I ...


Mapmakers will have an advantage

I don’t know how many of you watch the popular reality show Survivor. Today, there are lots of ...

Chris Wasson

Technology is amazing

This week I saw my nephew for the first time. He won’t be born until sometime in September.


A mother’s job never ends

For the life of me, I was the son who has told his mother in recent years, “I’m ...


It’s up to us to make Selma a better place

“I love Selma.” I’m sure many of you have heard this phrase spoken aloud or have said it yourselves ...


Criminals are having a bad week

In a meeting with Selma Chief of Police William T. Riley the other day, he mentioned how a ...


Alabama will rise from disaster

“The storm is passing over,” is a refrain from a powerful Black spiritual rooted in the Old Testament.  ...

Chris Wasson

Sunday is a day we should never forget

Every decade has one. That time where you can look back and say, “I know exactly where I was ...

Darrio Melton

Disasters can’t silence our songs

Those who have faced adversity often ask the question, how can we sing songs of joy in a ...


Judgements are often inaccurate

He was just standing there. I knew he was waiting for me and I was certain I ...

Chris Wasson

Memorial upgrades getting attention

This past week the updates to Memorial Stadium were put to the test. With the Special Olympics, AISA state ...

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