
Small cuts to public education add up

Death by a thousand cuts. Reputedly this was a form of death by torture practiced centuries ago in ...


Good Friday named for God’s promise

By Michael Brooks Brooks is a pastor of the Siluria Baptist Church and adjunct instructor at Jefferson State ...


The great drama of Holy Week

The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church describes Holy Week as a “liturgical drama enacting the last scenes ...


Getting past ‘me first’ through faith

It was a very intense time in the life of Jesus Christ. Some three and a half years ...


We must get to the root of the problem

Bending the Arc of History: African Americans and the University of Alabama School of Law. This was ...


Jesus taught us to value every person

I’ve read and preached about Paul and Silas singing praise to God at midnight in the Philippian jail ...


Come visit us for National Library Week April 9-15

National Library Week is celebrated every year with a commemorative theme that is designed to inspire and motivate ...


Remind yourself of the mission of the Messiah

The Easter/Lenten season is the cornerstone of our Christian faith. This is the climax of a story ...


Selma steps up again

Thursday I had the opportunity to meet and talk with representatives from Cahaba Mental Health’s Early Intervention Program, ...


Motivation, determination key to losing weight

Since early January, the newsroom staff has taken part in Scale Back Alabama, a statewide weight loss program ...


Injustice in courts today make me have flashbacks

Did you ever have flashbacks to something from years ago? Did something in the present so jolt you ...


Where is God when we’re going through painful times?

The ancient patriarch Job felt all alone in his suffering. He said, “Oh, that I knew where I ...


Magazine lets us tell in-depth stories

Working in journalism and interviewing people for a living, it’s obvious that you get to know individuals in ...


Victory comes in rising after a fall

The Bible records many failures because it records life as it happens. God’s Word is all about ...


Thank you to Deshazo, STJ for help

In this day and age where media bashing seems to have become a fad, and terms like “fake ...

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