
Harvest season a time to get to work

By Larry Stover Stover lives in Valley Grande and is pastor at Praise Park Ministries Church of the ...


United Way makes impact on community

This week I had the chance to visit several of the agencies and organizations the United Way of ...


How to handle sorrow around holiday season

A few years ago I decided “full-on grown-up” had been achieved because I hated to see the Fair ...


Democrats need to be held accountable

The election is over and now the real work begins. Part of that work means holding our leaders ...


Thanks to everyone for their support

My last official City Council Meeting was Oct. 25, 2016. This day was most memorable for me because, ...


Keep the demonstrations in perspective

Back when network television was worth watching, ABC had a sports program that aired every Saturday called, “Wide ...


We must be our best when things get bad

I desperately called on my dear mother. Across the chasm of her death nearly 20 years ago, ...


God’s plans are good

It was a day of remembrance last week when I was invited to Marion Presbyterian Church to preside ...


Trump presidency a surprise to everyone

By Steve Flowers Steve is a former legislator and is now the state’s leading political columnist. Donald J. ...


Practice golden rule of life

Ethics deal with the question as to whether something is “right or wrong.” Differing philosophies of life today ...


Remembering veterans who have passed

It is with a deep sense of sadness that we report the honor roll of departed veterans each ...


Prayer stimulates the growth of healing

We stood and held hands, connecting one to the other in body and spirit. I prayed. I prayed ...


Let’s work to improve Selma

In order for any city to be successful and to retain its success, the three most crucial issues ...


Christians shouldn’t sit out elections

This presidential election is wild! I’ve had more Christians ask me about voting than in any other presidential ...


Thank you for allowing me to serve

In 2008, the election cycle was busy and required a business focused and community minded leader who understood ...

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