
We need to take a stand for our educators

When it comes to pay raises for our educators, the state giveth and the state taketh away.


I am proudly a cop’s daughter

"I am a cop’s daughter.” Sometimes I wake up to a kiss on the forehead at three in ...


What will this looming special session bring?

What will this looming special legislative session bring? Will it bring fiscal solutions for Medicaid? Will it bring ...

James G. Smith

Are these really best nominees for president?

In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of ...


Alabamians want to hold vote on lottery

As anticipated, a special Legislative Session has been called by Governor Robert Bentley. The session is set ...


Remembering unique wedding moments

I heard a national computer-help radio program over the weekend, and the hostess talked about some electronic innovations ...


Bonner’s role forgotten in voting rights history

Lying here in bed at 3:35 a.m. seemingly not able to go to sleep, my mind started to ...


Time to restore Voting Rights Act

August 6 marks the 51st Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the most consequential piece of ...


Saying goodbye to Selma after eight great months

When I moved to Selma eight months ago, I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into. I ...


Lottery is not solution to state’s problems

In less than two weeks, the Legislature will return to Montgomery to take up a lottery bill that ...


Drama reigns in state politics

Now that the national conventions are over and we have had a glimpse of what to expect in ...


Entire DNC week was truly unforgettable

It was a series of unforgettable moments. The moments were cast over four days. Each day had multiple ...


Christians are always in school

Where has the summer gone? Area schools open their doors again soon, to the chagrin of many students ...


Alabama’s lending movement will win

It’s no secret that tremendous wealth can open doors, and you don’t have to look far to see ...


Lottery is best option we have right now

By Gov. Robert Bentley Bentley is the governor of Alabama. For the last five years I have been ...

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