
Where are the people of God?

There are many needs in the church today.


March is Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month by proclamation of the president dated February 29, 2016.


Continuing tradition of weekly columns

Fifteen hundred straight Senate Sketches. Fifteen hundred straight weeks. If I say so myself, that’s an achievement. That’s ...


One of the finest to ever serve as Governor

One of the finest men to ever serve in Alabama government is Albert Brewer.


Black Belt: Paving the road to success

It’s no secret that the Black Belt is behind the times.


Veterans come to Marion as part of WWP

A group of wounded veterans got together recently to enjoy a four-day hunting trip, planned by Wounded Warrior ...


States should remove limitations in child abuse cases

If you’ve seen the excellent movie “Spotlight,” you know what it takes for a newspaper to expose the ...


All Satan’s apples have worms

We’ve just come through the Christmas season after which many of us made exchanges.


It’s time for Alabama to adopt early voting

This week, voters across Alabama went to the polls to cast their ballots and make their voices heard. ...


Reasons why I cast my vote for Clinton

Each time we go to the polls to vote, I think about how meaningful the opportunity is to ...


Christians trust in righteousness of God

What is a Christian? I know that this might sound like a strange question to ask especially ...


Why I fought for local minimum wage

Minimum wage! Minimum wage! Minimum wage! I know minimum wage firsthand. I shared a little bit of my ...


Summing up presidential primary candidates

To proclaim the presidential primaries a horse race does an injustice to all the equine species on earth. ...


Time to say goodbye to candidates here

This column had to go to press a few days prior to the primary. Therefore, I will have ...


Religious liberties under attack

Our religious liberties are under continual attack like never before.

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