
I have your silver bullet, Governor

In politics and in life, there is seldom a “silver bullet” solution.


Quality education a must for our students

I met with a group of people. We share the same common bond, the future of Selma’s City ...


Mental health system needs reforms

By Tuerk Schlesinger | CEO of AltaPointe Health Systems Columbine. Aurora. Newtown. Charleston. And most recently, Umpqua. These ...


No Shut Down Caravan makes its rounds

No Shut Down. No Shut Down. No Shut Down. This refrain was heard over and over on ...


Benghazi committee should fold ‘em

What do you do when you play your hand down without a chance of winning? Quite obviously, you ...


Standing up for community isn’t politics

Twentieth Century author Eric Hoffer once pointed out an illogical truth about humans: “People who bite the hand ...


Being part of Dallas County schools

By LARRY STOVER | Praise Park Ministries Church of the Nazarene For the past seven years I have enjoyed ...


Alabama needs hope, not state lottery

There are a number of policies, particularly those that stimulate economic growth, that are proven solutions to poverty.


Importance of finding church home

There has been a growing trend among Christians during the past decade or two that they are fine ...


State leaders need to abandon the extreme

When even the Republican leader in the state Senate says you’re out of touch, you know things have ...


We will see fruit produced from march

I could not believe my eyes. As I looked out over the Washington National Mall, there was a ...


Democrats double down on same old

From the clips I saw, the reports I read, and from what little I watched of the Democrats ...


Answer isn’t to bash victims

While national and local leaders have condemned Gov. Robert Bentley’s decision to close DMV offices around the state, ...


Board member speaks mind on Zeigler

By Larry LeeLee is long-time advocate for public education He can be reached at Last March 31, ...


Taking money from education not the answer

Stealing from children is wrong. Period. But that’s exactly what the Alabama Legislature has done, and will probably ...

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