
Ending cycle of poverty through social change

It’s another hot Saturday on one of Birmingham’s most sizzling days. Temperatures with the heat index reach in ...


Driver’s license offices closing is final straw

The straw that broke the camel’s back. That old saying makes the point that sometimes the load gets ...


Commander to visit on Veterans Day

Fall is in the air and beginning to cast its magnificent hues across the landscape. What a wonderful ...


Families between rock and hard place

When you open up the pages of a national newspaper or turn to a major news network and ...


Country can’t vet refugees or control taxpayer cost

The Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest conducted an oversight hearing with four Administration officials responsible ...


Unnecessary barriers to voting

By Rep. Terri Sewell Sewell represents  Alabama’s 7th Congressional District On Sept. 30, my Black Belt constituents were ...


For now all parks are open to enjoy

In the wake of the announcement to close five state parks and cut services and hours at other ...


Importance of breast cancer awareness

There are a lot of things that make October a special month: the playoffs in Major League Baseball, ...


More pneumonia in the Black Belt

When one community gets a cold, another community gets pneumonia. I heard variations of this wise saying many ...


Law & Order Selma edition

Founding father and second President of our country John Adams once said: “Facts are stubborn things, and whatever ...


We’re created in the image of God

A senior adult friend was talking with me about physical problems and growing older. They made the ...


We should encourage voting, not limit it

The voices of our most vulnerable citizens have been further silenced by the decision to close 31 driver’s ...


Bentley goes back on his word with closures

All we have is our word. We all hold to the old adage, your word is your bond. ...


Bentley loses all credibility by closing parks

By CRAIG FORD | Alabama House Minority Leader  As if $86 million in new taxes and an $80 ...


When there is no vision, the people perish

Where there is no vision, the people perish. These prophetic words are found in Proverbs 29:18. They were ...

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