
Churches to hold prayer walks as school starts

By Larry Stover The Selma Times-Journal The movie, “War Room,” has awakened a renaissance and revival of prayer ...


Raiding education budget isn’t answer

Having swung twice and missed, Gov. Robert Bentley and 140 members of the legislature are down to their ...


Trump and RINOs both trouble GOP

Donald Trump did wonders for Fox News’ ratings and Megyn Kelly’s star power last week.


Cream always rises to top

The first televised debates for the Republican nominee to run for president in 2016 is history. Unfortunately, ...


Many questions for Legislative session

Son, most people have the bad tooth syndrome. I hope you never have the bad tooth syndrome.” These ...


Home grown company makes history

There is a very iconic company founded in Alabama that has made state, southern, national and international history. ...


Alabama’s budget short on time for solution

Alabama’s voters should be paying close attention to what’s been going on in Montgomery, and what will play ...


Thank you Selma for all the support, memories

It is with great pleasure that I chose not to write a farewell piece as a reporter for ...


Curry to visit, speak at St. Paul’s in Selma

Before Michael Curry was born, his parents began attending an Episcopal Church in the deep south where blacks ...


Alabamians shifting toward solar power

Earlier this summer, the Alabama Solar Knowledge (ASK) Project released informal survey data that showed that Alabamians overwhelmingly ...


Affordable Care Act bringing storm

Dr. John Hill | Alabama House Minority Leader Had the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the poorly-named Affordable ...


Blame game needs to stop in legislature

Rep. Craig Ford | Alabama House Minority Leader The wheels have come off the bus in Montgomery. That’s ...


Need help from mamas to fix education

By LARRY LEE Something I’ve thought about long and hard is what will it take to get to ...


Many questions for Legislative session

What shall we do? That is the question every Alabama legislator is asking. What will they do? That ...


Republican debate to be on Hiroshima anniversary

The first debate between candidates for the Republican nomination to run for president will take place Thursday night, ...

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