
Gambling needed to solve budget crisis

By Rep. Craig FordColumnist Last week, Gov. Bentley announced that he would not include any gambling proposals in ...


Symbols have great power in our society

ymbols are powerful. On Wednesday night, June 17, 2015, a 21-year-old white man named Dylann Roof drove 120 ...


Awareness is needed to stop tragic shootings

Last week, an armed gunman walked into a church in South Carolina and took nine innocent lives. For ...


A tale of two budgets that still need changes

Alabama is only one of a handful of states that work out of two budgets. We have a ...


There is hope for all in our Father

Throughout the bible there are a multitude of names for God mentioned in the scriptures: Elohim, El Shaddai, ...


Country is suffering from lack of leaership

In case you haven’t noticed lately, our country is in crisis. The crisis stems from a lack of ...


Why the name of the bridge must remain

The Edmund Pettus Bridge is an iconic symbol of the struggle for voting rights in America, and its ...


What is our vision for Selma’s future?

What do you really want for Selma?” I have been asked this question in various forms on many ...


Time will come to change name of bridge

It was shortly after 9 o’clock on Wednesday morning. I rushed down the legislative halls and entered the ...


Republicans must change selves to change state

Last week, the Alabama Legislature did something that no working Alabamian would ever consider: they left work before ...


Why the name of the bridge must be changed

The Edmund Pettus Bridge is a symbol of freedom all over the world. It is also a ...


There’s hope in obedience

We all know something about being obedient. As children we are taught to be obedient to our parents, ...

James G. Smith

Dallas County residents remember D-Day

Perhaps the two most remembered dates from World War II are Dec. 7, 1941, and June 6, 1944. ...


It’s been an exciting first few weeks on the job

By Derek Thompson The Selma Times-Journal   The Queen City is becoming more recognizable and doesn’t feel like ...


Good stories can make bad history

Sometimes good stories about historical figures become popular even though they’re very poor history. Claude Grayson’s Memories ...

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