
My journey has shown me there’s hope in faith

There is Hope in Faith: The Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr. once quoted, “Faith is taking the ...


War of words over common core continues

It was a war of words. Words shot, words slung, words dropped, words parried, words cutting and more. ...


It’s time to solve the budget crisis

I want to start this week by thanking everyone who has called my office, emailed me, tweeted me ...


Great weekend for youth in Dallas County

By Larry Stover April 25 and 26 are going to be exciting days at Praise Park Ministries Church ...


Busy few weeks prove to be worthwhile

The last few weeks have been exciting for me. From getting married the last day of February to ...


Always many reasons to be thankful

I recognized the number on my cell. I wondered why my doctor’s office was calling me. I had ...


We must find a way to fix state budget

After six weeks back in Montgomery, the Republican Supermajorities haven’t taken any necessary steps to repair Alabama’s budget ...


Gambling once again a hot button issue

On the date of this writing, April 10, in 1942, the “Bataan Death March” began in the Philippines ...


Cancer survivors serve as inspiration

Last week I had the honor and pleasure of serving as the mistress of ceremony for the American ...


Alabama prison reform continued issue

A half loaf is better than no loaf. This is an old saying that contains much wisdom. However, the ...


Shift focus to issues that matter to families

Every four years, Montgomery politicians come back to their districts to run for office, promising to fix everything ...

James G. Smith

Freedom of religion is getting challenged

It sure seems to me we are headed for a pure socialist state where everything is dictated and ...


Reconnect with our savior this Easter

The day has finally arrived! Christians around the world are celebrating and commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. ...


Reasons Selma eventually became home

Why did you go to Selma? How did you end up in Selma? What made you go to ...


Obama not taking right steps for military

The announcement of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl being charged with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy is stunning ...

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