
Voter ID requirement harms several

We were fighting for voting rights as we sat around the conference table. On one end sat the ...


Voting is essential for positive changes

By Craig Ford  The Selma Times-Journal    Now that the campaign season is entering the final five weeks, ...


Lessons learned from the “Map Room” speech

President Roosevelt chose a White House room for his command center during World War II. It’s known as ...

Darrio Melton

Vote for a jobs policy that works this November

This Saturday will mark one month until the November midterm election. There is a lot at stake for ...


I’m glad to return to Selma, join the STJ staff

By Justin Averette The Selma Times-Journal   I’m coming back to where it all started. I spent the ...


Our choices can affect future generations

By Larry Stover  The Selma Times-Journal I have the joy and pleasure of spending a lot of time with ...


Ala. governor should’ve given the proper condolences

“I’m so sorry for your loss.”


Get out and support ‘See You at the Pole’

One of the spiritual highlights of September is the annual “See You at the Pole” prayer gatherings at ...


Violence against women will not stand

This weekend, policymakers in Washington celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act, which made ending ...


There are unintended consequences of war

We tend to think of war being over when the enemy unconditionally surrenders, a truce or cessation of ...


There’s a pandemic of hopelessness

Most of the time, when we think of the word, “pandemic,” we think of something like the Ebola ...


Rising Star Award more appreciated over time

When I learned that my busy work schedule would not allow be to cover the monthly presentation of ...


Trip helped put tragedy in focus

Perspective is a very valuable thing. It, along with context, are two of the tools writers use to ...


Republican majority has been bad for Alabama

Last week, Speaker Mike Hubbard promised that the Republicans would be “bolder” if they kept the supermajority after ...


Are we winning the war?

The 13th anniversary of Sept. 11 is fast approaching and the question has to be, where are we ...

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